Sell your digital content on NiteFlirt with Goody Bags!
What are Goody Bags? Goody Bags are spicy digital content packages (e.g., photos, videos, audio files, etc.) that allow you to make money whether you are available for calls or not! Selling Goody Bags is a great way to nurture your relationship with existing customers and to find new ones.
How will customers find my Goody Bags? Your Goody Bags will be available via a Find Goodies search and on the Goodies tab of your Flirt Profile, which you can send customers directly to by adding "#goodies" to your profile's URL:
Drive traffic and sales to specific Goody Bags by placing Goody Bag buttons on your website, blog, or social media sites!
How do I get started? Creating a Goody Bag is a simple process:
- Upload files.
- Tag the files so that they are accurately described. This is important so that your files can be found in a Find Goodies search!
- Add files to a Goody Bag and make one a thumbnail.
- Ensure you comply with federal regulations regarding sexually explicit images.
- Submit your Goody Bag.
1) Upload files
Go to the Files tab of the File & Goody Manager. Click the “Upload” button, then the “Add files…” button. Select files from your computer. Once done, agree to the certification terms and click “Upload.” Note that you can choose a different destination folder to keep your files organized.
You can learn more about uploading and organizing files in your File Manager here.
2) Tag files
It’s very important that you tag your files! If you don’t, they won’t be indexed by the search engine and will not show up in a Find Goodies search. What is a Find Goodies search?
You can apply tags to files in the Files tab. To tag a single file, click on the file's name and then click the the Tag Wizard icon in Files Details. To tag multiple files, check the boxes to select the files you want to tag, choose “Apply tags” from the Selected Files menu, and then click the Tag Wizard icon. Once you've launched the Tag Wizard, step through the Tag Wizard screens that pop up.
Create Tag Sets to use the same tags over and over for multiple files.
3) Add files to a Goody Bag
If you're still on the Files tab of the File & Goody Manager, check the boxes of the files you want in the Goody Bag and choose "Add to goody bag” from the Selected Files menu. Fill in the information under “Create new Goody Bag” in the screen that pops up or select an existing bag if you've already created one.
On the Goody Bags tab of the File & Goody Manager, click "new" to create a bag and then click "Add files" to choose from your previously uploaded files.
Don't forget to make your Goody Bag more enticing with a thumbnail and preview. Select a thumbnail that best represents the entire Goody Bag. And, if you want, you can allow one or more files to be previewed for free, pre-purchase. Only Goody Bags with thumbnails will appear in the Find Goodies search.
Check out our step-by-step tutorial on creating Goody Bags.
4) Ensure you comply with federal regulations regarding sexually explicit images
It’s your responsibility to comply with federal regulations regarding sexually explicit images, not NiteFlirt’s or any associated entity’s. While this isn’t NiteFlirt’s responsibility, we take the protection of minors very seriously, which is why we ask everyone how they comply. Before you are able to sell a Goody Bag, you must show how you comply with 2257 regulations. We also offer a free, integrated third-party record-keeping service to make it very easy to comply with 2257 regulations. You can learn more about 2257 regulations and our record-keeping service here. If you are unfamiliar with the 2257 regulations, we suggest you take a few moments to familiarize yourself with them.
5) Submit your Goody Bag
Once you have ensured 2257 Compliance for all the Goodies in your bag, it’s ready to be submitted for approval. After you submit your Goody Bag, the IDs of the models featured in the Goodies will be verified. This process can take 3 business days and you can check the status of your bag in Goody Bag Details.
Before you submit your Goody Bag, take note that you will not be able to add or remove files from a bag that has been submitted. You can still, however, edit the bag to make changes to its title, price, Go Live date (if that date has not yet passed), and description. If you're not ready to submit your bag, save it instead so that you can continue working on it later! Don't like the bag you created? Delete it and start again.