Before you are able to sell a Goody Bag, you must show how you comply with 2257 regulations, which you can do with our Compliance Wizard. It’s your responsibility to comply with federal regulations regarding sexually explicit images, not NiteFlirt’s or any associated entity’s. While this isn’t NiteFlirt’s responsibility, we take the protection of minors very seriously, which is why we ask everyone how they comply. We also offer a free, integrated third-party record-keeping service to make it very easy to comply with 2257 regulations. You can learn more about 2257 regulations at Cornell University’s Legal Information Institute.
2257 Compliance Wizard
In order to show how you comply with 2257 regulations, use our 2257 Compliance Wizard. From the “Goody Bags” tab of File Manager, select a Goody Bag and click the “Incomplete” link in the 2257 Compliance column.
Or if multiple files contain similar non-explicit content or feature the same models, select the check boxes for the appropriate files and choose 2257 Compliance from the “Selected Goodies” menu.
When the Compliance Wizard pops up, answer the questions.
There are three basic paths you can take:
- Your content is not sexually explicit.
- Your content is sexually explicit and you already have a public address where 2257 records for your content can be inspected.
- Your content is sexually explicit, you do not have a public address where 2257 records for your content can be inspected and would like to use the free integrated third-party record-keeping service.
Note: If your content is sexually explicit, was produced before July 3, 1995 and you do not have identification for all models who are featured, you will not be able to use our third-party record-keeping service to comply.
Your content is not sexually explicit
If your content is not sexually explicit, answer “No” on the first screen of the Compliance Wizard. And that's it -- you're done!
Your content is sexually explicit and you already have a public address
If your content is sexually explicit and you already have a public address where 2257 records for your content can be inspected, answer “Yes” on the first screen of the Compliance Wizard and click “Next.”
Select “Provide the address where "2257" records are already on file (address will be made public)” and click “Next.”
Enter the address where your 2257 records are kept, and click “Continue.” Note: If the address you provide is not being validated, please contact Customer Support.
Select the address and click "Finish!"
We keep the addresses you enter handy so that you can use them again in the future! If you’ve already provided addresses, choose an existing address or “Add a new address.” To edit an address, choose an existing address and click “Edit selected.”
Your content is sexually explicit but you do not have a public address where 2257 records can be inspected and you would like to use the free, integrated third-party record keeping service
If your content is sexually explicit but you do not have a public address where 2257 records can be inspected, use the free integrated third-party record keeping service -- just answer “Yes” on the first screen of the Compliance Wizard and click “Next.”
Select “Use the free third party record keeping service integrated in this tool” and click “Next.”
Now enter a model's identification. A model is the person participating in or assisting the sexually explicit content, and you must add each model that appears in the content.
Be sure to provide the full current legal name, any and all aliases ever used, including website nicknames and maiden or married names, and select a government issued photo identification, along with the expiration date for every model.
- Expired IDs can be used as long as it was valid when the content was produced.
- Non-US IDs can be used as long as the content was produced outside of the US.
Once you have submitted the model’s information, click “Continue.”
In order to verify the identification of your model, you’ll need to submit a picture of the ID via email or upload. To email the picture, follow the instructions provided during this step or click "upload a picture" to upload from your computer. ID verification can take up to 3 business days.
Remember, you must add each and every model that is participating in or assisting the sexually explicit content. Click "Add a new model" to continue adding more models.
Once all models have been entered, select them the list of existing models, click “Next,” and enter the original production date for the content.
That’s all there is to it! When using the Compliance Wizard for subsequent content containing existing models, you won’t need to go through the process of creating a model and uploading an ID. For existing model content, you just need to select the appropriate model and enter the production date.
Goody Bags with content for which a model’s ID is still being verified will be listed as Pending ID Verification in the left panel of the “Goody Bags” tab of File & Goody Manager.
Once you have shown how you comply with 2257 regulations, feel free to check out the public 2257 label.