Use Lapsed Chat Customers to revive stale chat relationships and increase your chances of earning from these customers again!
Lapsed Chat Customers are those you've earned at least $2.00 from and have had a paid Chat interaction with in the past, but haven't interacted with in five or more days. Customers who have not replied to your last 5 messages, blocked customers, and customers who have blocked you are not considered lapsed.
When you use Lapsed Chat Customers to revive stale chat relationships, your lapsed customers will receive a text message (if they have Chat Alerts turned on) letting them know that they have a new message from you. And since they have a hand-held computer (their phone!) right in their pocket, they'll be able to continue the conversation right away!
To get started, go to the Chat icon in the Flirt Center. If you see the icon, then you have lapsed chat customers!
When you have lapsed chat customers, you will see also see a notification at the top of your Chat page.
Your Lapsed Chat Customers will be listed along with a breakdown of your earnings just as you would find in My Customers. This is because Lapsed Chat Customers is essentially a bonus feature of My Customers where we automatically add your lapsed Chat customers to a special customer list!
Select the customers you want to win back and click "Send Chat Message to Selected" to compose a message. Since you know your customers best, craft a personalized message that will get their attention. If you're at a loss for words, click Suggest until the right message populates and then send away!
When there are customers on your list you don’t want to reach out to, remove them from the Lapsed Chat list. Just select the customers you want to remove and click “Remove from Lapsed Chat Customers”. That customer will not reappear on your list unless you Chat with them again and the relationship becomes stale.
For more ideas on how to make the most of Chat, check out this article.