Your Featured Listing rank is determined by your Maximum Bid and your Listing Value Score (LVS). LVS is unique for each listing and is made up of several components. The components measure how well your listing performs against others in Featured Listings. Essentially, we apply a score to your listing to measure its value within Featured Listings and show you how the components of each of your listings compare to that of other listings. The higher your LVS, the lower your bid amount will be to feature your listing in a top position!
How do we score the value of a listing? By measuring certain aspects of a listing's performance. We measure how many people click on your listing to learn more about you, how often those that have clicked go on to place a call, buy a mail, or send a tribute, and how well you maintain your relationships with your customers. Please note that, because they are not associated with a listing, Goody Bag sales do not contribute to LVS.
These are the combination of factors that best represent a reasonable measure of listing quality and customer satisfaction:
Click Rate: When someone sees your Featured Listing, how often do they click on it? Click Rate measures just this! An appealing Listing Photo and category-appropriate Title will increase clicks and your Click Rate!
Customer Conversions: When someone clicks on your Featured Listing, do they call you? Buy a Mail? Customer Conversions measures how well you gain customers with Featured Listings. If the Customer Conversions score is low, consider making changes to your listing content, price per minute, and even how you interact with potential customers. If the Customer Conversions score is high, you’re doing great!
Recent Customer Conversions: When you make changes to your listing to improve your Customer Conversions, are these changes making a difference? Recent Customer Conversions will show you how successful those changes have been -- it measures your Customer Conversions over the past several weeks.
Customer Retention: Once someone has become your customer, do they call you again? Buy a Mail or send you a Tribute? Customer Retention measures how well you maintain your relationships with all of your customers, even those who did not find you in Featured Listings.
LVS is not fixed and may change regularly based on recent results. Furthermore, a particular listing's LVS is a relative measure, meaning that changes in the scores of other listings in your listing category may affect your listing's rank. LVS scores are updated periodically throughout the day.
Remember, even if you do not have an active bid, your listing has a Listing Value Score and will appear in Featured Listings among those who are bidding competitively.
Note: You can be very successful on NiteFlirt and still have a low LVS. LVS does not measure your overall site performance nor does it measure how much money you make compared to your peers. LVS is a formula used to measure how valuable your listing is in the Featured Listings sort. Many Flirts run a very successful business on NiteFlirt and find their customers in ways other than Featured Listings. To review your overall site performance, check out Performance Reports!