In order to ensure the quality of customers' experiences, listings are reviewed before being accepted to appear in the NiteFlirt directory. This process can take up to three business days, which exclude weekends and holidays. Please review Play Fair Basics to make sure the content of your listing is acceptable!
The three different acceptance statuses are:
Pending | Pending listings are being reviewed for acceptance and do not yet appear in the NiteFlirt directory. But customers can still call a pending listing if you've placed its Call Button or link on your personal website, blog, or social media profiles. Note: Recorded Listings in the "Pending" status will not be reviewed until a recording is added. |
Accepted | Accepted listings have been approved and appear in the NiteFlirt directory! | |
Needs Editing | Needs Editing listings have not been approved and need to be edited because they do not meet our standards to appear in the NiteFlirt directory. Click on the icon from My Listings or the listing's page to see why your listing was not accepted. Take another peek at Play Fair Basics to make sure your content is acceptable. After making the appropriate edits, submit the listing so that it can be reviewed again! The listing will then be in the Pending status described above. |
Your listing's acceptance status is shown on the My Listings page in the Status column.
And, when you're logged in to your account and viewing your own listing, it's acceptance status is shown in the yellow banner at the top.