One of the many ways you can make money on NiteFlirt is with Recorded Listings. A Recorded Listing is a recorded message hosted on the site that your customers can listen to at their convenience, 24 hours a day. You make money without even picking up the phone!
To create a Recorded Listing, simply click on "Create a Recorded Listing" from the My Listings page.
After you create the listing, you'll want to add a recorded message. You can do this two ways -- record the message over the phone or upload a .wav file. Just select the option of your choice after you've created your Recorded Listing.
Your recording can be up to 30 minutes long or your .wav file can be up to 180MB in size. The minimum rate for Recorded Listing is $0.99 per minute. NiteFlirt keeps 50% of the earnings collected for Recorded Listings.
If you're not ready to record or upload your recording just yet, you can do it later! Click on "Record" next to the listing title on the My Listings page whenever you're ready! Do note, however, that Recorded Listings without recordings will remain in the Pending status until a recording it added.