If you don’t already have one, consider adding a photo to your listings! A photo is a friendly touch that encourages potential customers to call you. Before adding a photo to your listing, please review our Photo Policy.
Upload a photo (or change the current one) to your listings from the My Listings page by clicking "View details" in the My Listings section of My Account. Click "Edit" next the listing you'd like to add a photo to and then click "Add a Photo" (or "Edit Photo" if you already have one). You can find the image file on your computer by clicking "Browse."
Photos must be in JPG, GIF, or BMP format, no larger than 400KB, and square (e.g. 95 pixels x 95 pixels), so that they'll display properly throughout the site. We strongly recommend that you use a head shot, which is generally easier to view. If you submit extensions that are not supported, or leave the extension field blank, you will receive an error message. Similarly, you will receive messages for not including a file name or properly formatted file path for photos, or if you have included an unusually long file name.
To embed images on your Flirt Profile or Listing pages, you can use File Manager to host your images. Check out Using HTML for instructions on how to embed your images. You are also permitted to use any hosting service that offers HTML code for your photos and does not require you to link back to them. To avoid linking back to an outside hosting site, be sure to only use the <img src=...> portion of the code. It will look similar to this:
<img src="http://hostingdomain.com/photo.jpg" border="0">